A Quick Update

I’m writing this at the hospital. My husband’s down the hall, having surgery while I’m sitting out here with my laptop and a coffee.  I don’t mean to be alarmist. It’s not a major surgery and he will likely be fine… but still, a bit surreal.

That’s not how I meant to start this blog post but it came out that way. What I meant to say was that I have had a lot going on lately. A couple of weeks ago I was running behind on my next release, Hear Me. But I am one of those writers who thrives on deadlines, even ones I set for myself, and so it was good.

Then my husband got sick and I just… stopped writing. Not good.

Anyways, that’s what’s going on for me. I am pushing the release of Hear Me back. Hopefully July, maybe August. It kind of depends on how long it takes me to get back in the swing of things, and then there’s always a long line of things to do even after the creative effort of writing is done, the editing process and then prepping for promo, etc.

Oh, but I do still have the story for the Goodreads M/M Love is Always Write Event coming out, sometime in the next few days. Go join the group on Goodreads to check it out and also read the other stories that are already posted. They are all free – what a great event! It’s called Leashed, and you can see the cover and a brief blurb here.
